A Good Easter

The ukulele player
Laurie preaching
Congregation 1
Congregation 2
Congregation 3
Three pretty girls in new Easter dresses
Me with Jeanette and Jessie, two other rangers
Laurie and Adam, our ACMNP team

After six weeks of preparation and (for me) dread, Easter came, just as it always has and always will.  The day here in Death Valley was beautifully clear and warm.  There was no sunrise service anywhere within two hours, so Tom and I attended our normal worship at the Date Palm Grove.  We had laughed on Palm Sunday – we didn’t have any palm branches to wave, but palm trees were waving all around us!

Laurie and Adam, the team from A Christian Ministry in the National Parks, led the service and did a wonderful job.  Close to 60 people attended the service, which is the most they have had.  We didn’t have an organ but we did have a ukulele to accompany our songs.  We started with my favorite, “Christ the Lord is Risen Today!  Alleluia.”  There weren’t any Easter lilies, but there were Canadian Geese, oleander, and a peregrine falcon that watched us as if deciding who he was going to take out after the service.

The scripture was read.  Our faith was confirmed and strengthened.  Laurie preached about coming out of darkness into light – the women on that first Easter leaving their homes in darkness to find the light of the risen Christ.  She reminded us that we all need to make the journey from spiritual darkness into the light of the risen Christ.

After worship we had donuts, orange juice, and bagels.  I made a coffee cake and some other people brought sweets to share.  It was nice to spend a little time sharing with others after worship.  I even found a few pretty little girls who had on brand new Easter dresses.  It was nice to see that tradition continue even in the middle of Death Valley.

We made phone calls to family and then took Laurie and Adam out to lunch, so we got to share Easter dinner with friends.  The rest of the day was very busy, but more on that in tomorrow’s post.

Easter wasn’t the same, but it was still a good Easter.  Thanks to everyone who sent Easter greetings via the blog, e-mail, Facebook, or text.  It was good to hear from you and made the day more special.  Every day we get to spend serving and worshiping our risen Lord is a good day so how could Easter be anything but good?

One comment

  1. JuliaSueStampingLive . says:

    Hope the ukulele player was fun and kept everyone in the same key for songs! Sounds like a beautiful day.

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