Adrift or Sailing with Direction

Here in the Pacific Northwest lots of people have boats.  We are dependent on boats to get around from one island to another.  Some people live on islands not served by the ferries.  If they didn’t have their own boats, they wouldn’t be able to get groceries or other necessities.  So it shouldn’t surprise me that many sermon illustrations are boat-related.  On Sunday Rev. Joe asked us if we were adrift or sailing with direction.

A boat is adrift when it “floats without being either moored or steered.”  A person is adrift when they are “lost and confused, without purpose or guidance.”  Rev. Joe’s text was Hebrews 2:1, “We must pay greater attention to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away from it.”

I have never been good at being adrift.  When we had a pool I would float on my back and close my eyes and just relax.  I wanted to see where I would drift.  I always opened my eyes before much time had passed so I could get my bearings.  No matter how relaxing it sounds, I stink at drifting.  Probably one reason why I enjoy working in the National Parks in retirement – I have a purpose, a schedule, and know what I am doing for the next year.  I am not drifting.

But we can drift even when we have a purpose and a direction if we aren’t following Jesus.  Sailors navigated by the stars.  In Revelation 22:16, Jesus says, “I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star.”  We navigate our course through life by following this constant, unmoving Morning Star.  We are not adrift when we use Jesus as our guiding point, our compass.

We can drift with the tides of life and let them carry us from place to place and moment to moment.  Or we can remember what we have learned about Jesus.  We can allow Jesus to be our Morning Star, guiding us with purpose, direction, and decision.  Showing us the way to our eternal home as we continue our voyage day by day.


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