Blessed By My Dad Every Day

I have been blessed by my dad every day of my life.  When I think of God, my father, I think of the father God gave me as a model.  My dad is a man of faith first and foremost.  He is a healer, a helper, and has a wonderful sense of humor.  As he ages and his body gets frailer, his heart grows bigger and bigger.  Dad is not afraid to try new things or make changes when he thinks it is necessary.  Once he decides something, he moves forward and doesn’t look back.

When I was a kid, he was a totalitarian.  You did what Dad said without question – and you did it the first time he said it.  But he mellowed with the years.  There were times when he was being a grandfather that I didn’t even recognize him.  Here are some favorite pictures of him through the years.

New daddy looks shell-shocked
You raise me up
Three little ones
Three bigger ones
Dad taught my Sunday School class
College graduation
First grandchild
Being silly
Dad loves being a grandpa
All the grandchildren
John’s high school graduation
At my retirement party
Dad will talk to anybody
Adventuring together
More adventures still to come

I have never doubted my father’s love for me, and because of that I have never doubted God’s love for me.  Dad is the embodiment of Proverbs 16:31:  Gray hair is a crown of glory; it is gained in a righteous life.  I am blessed by my dad every day.

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