Children’s Musical at Linworth

I have been watching and directing children’s musicals for years.  A good children’s musical will warm your heart for weeks as you remember bits of it and smile again.  And I have never seen a bad children’s musical.  Even the ones that don’t go as planned come out wonderfully.  A few times, as a director, I despaired of them coming together, but the kids are always wonderful and everyone always loves the final product – even if it isn’t quite what the director envisioned.

Yesterday we enjoyed the children’s musical at Linworth United Methodist Church.  They had performed the musical on Saturday at the Advent Celebration and did a repeat performance on Sunday at the middle worship service.

hlSantaGreenThe musical was “Santa Goes Green” written by John Jacobson and Mac Huff with all original songs.  It is a holiday musical, as opposed to a Christmas musical which would center around Jesus.  Here is the description from the web site: Melting ice caps, global warming, and surfing reindeer! The North Pole is goin’ green this year and everyone is excited – everyone, that is, except Santa who likes things just the way they are. Solar panels, LED light bulbs, new power sources? Mrs. Claus, the elves, toys, and reindeer have their hands full!  

Not quite what I was expecting for a church Christmas musical and it sounded like some other people had been surprised by the musical choice of the new Children’s Choir director.  But the children’s musical was really fun.  There were reindeer, snowpeople, elves, trees, and Mr. and Mrs. Claus.  We sat in the back to make more room for parents and grandparents toward the front. There were plenty of proud moms, dads and grandparents in the congregation.  Our favorite song was “Recycle the Fruitcake.”

Before the children’s musical began, Rev. Andrea Cheeseman read a passage from Genesis and talked about how the stewardship of creation is part of the calling for all of us as Christians.  She also quoted Paul, but I can’t remember just what verse.  She was trying to put a Christian spin on the musical.

In the end, however, the children’s musical was about the children who participated.  They sang and danced and said their lines with joy and enthusiasm.  They shared their gift with the congregation and reminded us all of the joy we can find in serving God.

We enjoyed the children’s musical very much and appreciated the church and the parents sharing their children with us – just as God shared his son with us – a very special Christmas gift.10360405_747043578720654_79251183610144644_n


  1. Krissa says:

    So sad I missed you at practice! And even more sad that you won’t see our kiddos this Christmas. We are trying a musical! 2 in one year – I must be crazy.

    • Karen says:

      I am missing the children. They put the joy in Christmas for me! Good luck with the musical. I’ll be praying for you! Not crazy – courageous.

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