Christian Parents

1991 001 (4)Christian parents:

Hope and fear and keep you near;

Laugh and cry and dry your eyes;

Remind and nag and drag you to church, Sunday School, youth group, church camp . . .

Read and pray and say “yes,” “no,” and “Hallelujah!”

Work and play and make your days wonderful;

Love with a love that never fails

And ALWAYS want the Best for you, their child:

A relationship with Jesus Christ that will last forever.


Is there anything I forgot?  What would you, as a Christian parent or a child of Christian parents, add?




    • revkaren54 says:

      Are you mentioning that from your parents’ experiences with you or from your experiences with your daughter? I pray that we will have as much patience with others as God does with us.

      • Kristin Burkey says:

        Ha! I think both. Kaylan has a lot of my facial expressions and my gift of eye rolling. I know both drove my mother to the edge.

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