Get Excited About God

ci-100213k_1632Many years ago I saw a skit contrasting two couples going to a football game with two couples going to church.  Although it has been a while, I have always remembered how excited the two couples going to the football game were.  The couples going to church were not excited.  In fact, one person said, “I just hope I can stay awake.”

Why do we get all excited about a sports event but sit in church like it is the most boring, ho-hum thing we have ever done?  Why will we shell out big bucks for a day at the ball park but get stingy putting money in the offering plate at church?  Why are we willing to sit through a four hour ball game but act like one hour is more than enough to worship God?  Why do we cheer and get loud for our team but act like going to church is a chore?

Just imagine what worship would be like if we could be excited about God the same way we are about our sports teams.  The choir comes out and the crowd (always a full sanctuary) cheers.  The pastor comes running down the aisle and everyone puts out a hand for a high five.  When the pastor gets up to preach, everyone leans forward as if encouraging him or her to throw a game-winning pass.  We can’t wait until we see everyone at work the next day to talk about what a great worship service it was.

Try it.  See what happens.  Sometimes the only thing we need to have a great worship experience is to anticipate that it will be a great worship experience.  The next time you go to church, go with that attitude.  Start the wave.  Stand up and cheer.  Let everyone know you are excited about being there.  You might be surprised at the ways the Holy Spirit can work with people who are willing to let God into their game.

People get excited about the Cleveland Browns and they haven’t won a game all season.  God hits it out of the park every day!  God has done so much for us.  Just count your blessings.  We know his great love and mercy.  Isn’t it time we showed some excitement about God?

Get all excited: go tell everybody that Jesus Christ is King!
Jesus Christ is still the King of Kings!

(words from Gaither song “Get All Excited”)


  1. Kristine Moye says:

    Wooohooo! Go God! I’m probably in the minority, but I get way more excited about church than football, baseball, or basketball 🙂

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