Ohio had a long, hard winter this last year. We left in December with temperatures in the 20’s. When we came back in the middle of April, the temperatures were still in the 20’s. Ohio had one of the snowiest Aprils ever this year. It snowed nine out of the first seventeen days of the month. So everyone was very glad to see warmer temperatures toward the end of the month. All the snow and rain in April led to a gorgeous, blooming Ohio by May.
One of the pleasures of being in Ohio in April and May is the privilege of seeing winter release its icy grip. And it seemed like the growing things put forth extra brilliance because they had to wait so long this year. Blooming Ohio was just spectacular this year and I wanted to share some of my pictures with you.
Most of these pictures were taken at Cross Creek Country Campground, just a small microcosm of the beauty of blooming Ohio all over the state. So, instead of a lot of words today – just enjoy these beautiful pictures. I hope these pictures of blooming Ohio will delight you as much as they did me.
Many times when we return from the south in late April, we’ve missed the blooms & buds bursting forth…not this year…it has been an unbelievable beautiful spring. How blessed we are!
Winter hung on so long in Ohio. But the spring made up for it – bursting forth!
It is amazing how fast things go from dead, dreary, brown to lush green and multi colored!
We appreciate spring in Ohio when we have such a bad winter.