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Snow Canyon State Park, Utah

Tom and I have been heading to St. George Utah on a regular basis, every two to three weeks.  St. George has 100,000 people and has all the big box stores and chain restaurants you could desire.  The grocery stores are bigger and there is a Lowes and JoAnns.  It takes about  75 minutes to …

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Dry Heat in the Arizona Strip

Whenever we tell people how hot it is in Arizona, they respond, “Yeah, but it’s a dry heat.”  In replying this way, they are usually thinking of the heat index and how humidity makes it feel hotter. I’m from Ohio and I know that it can get pretty hot in the summer.  On those hot …

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Independence Day in Kanab, Utah

To celebrate Independence Day, Tom and I headed to Kanab, Utah for their parade and community festival.  We didn’t know much about the event before we went, but it sounded like a fun way to celebrate the holiday. The parade began at 10 a.m., which is 9 a.m. Arizona time.  This meant we had to …

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