For the second year, Tom and I attended the Childrens Service at Lewis Center United Methodist. We have been attending Lewis Center when we are in Ohio and enjoying this lively congregation very much. Nothing says life in a church better than the children. So the church is especially life and joy-filled for the Childrens Service.
During the Childrens Service, the kids lead worship. They lead the liturgy, the prayers, and the singing. The Preschool Singers started us off with a wonderful rendition of “Jesus Loves Me.”
I am always impressed by how self-assured these children seem as they lead worship. They do a great job leading prayers, being the leader in the call to worship, or reading Scripture. I’m sure they practice, but they don’t look like they are nervous at all. They march right up to the microphone and even position it for themselves.
The most impressive part of the Childrens service was three testimonies given by preteens. They videotaped their testimonies using a set of questions. By videotaping they could go at their own speed when they were ready and not have to face 200 people in worship. Each of the girls talked about her biggest obstacle, how God helped her through, she knew it was God because, and her life is different now in this way. At the conclusion each one said, “And that is what God has done for me!” It was wonderful! A pastor could do this with any age people and share one video each Sunday.
The Lewis Center Childrens Choir sang two songs: “Leaning on the Everlasting Arms” and “I Am Who You Say I Am.” I especially loved “Leaning” because they leaned on each other as they sang.
Two children played the piano for the offertory. Ethan Herr played “Peace Like a River” and did a great job. He was so small we couldn’t see him behind the big piano. Then Gabriella Puleo played “On My Way.” She was a little bigger and when she would get to the faster section of each verse, she would smile and nod her head eagerly.
During the sermon time, two of the adult leaders for the Childrens ministry gave their testimonies. They were powerful and moving.
Just like last year, Tom and I enjoyed the Childrens Service at Lewis Center very much. We take great joy in seeing children grow in their faith through service.
What a beautiful church service with the younger ones…they teach us so much! I will always be able to picture you so joyful when you were doing “Children’s Time” or bringing the new babies down the aisle after baptizing them:)
I do love children. They are easier to work with than adults!