When John realized that we were only going to be in Ohio for two weeks during the entire Cleveland Indians season, he suggested we fit in our annual game. We try to get to at least one Cleveland Indians’ game every year with the family. John picked the date, my parents confirmed it, and I went online to buy the tickets.
Imagine my surprise when the only tickets available for a game in April were in the nosebleed section. Might as well stay home to watch the game on television – you will be closer to the action! All the tickets on the bottom and middle tiers were sold out to season ticket holders! I guess going to the World Series does that.
So I went to StubHub.com. It isn’t my first choice for tickets because of the mark-up. You pay a premium for the tickets and then a per ticket surcharge. But I found six tickets in Section 144 and decided to splurge. After all, we only go to one game per year and it is something we really enjoy doing together.
April in Ohio this year was uncharacteristically warm and sunny. Until the weekend we were headed to the Cleveland Indians game. It rained all day Friday with the rain continuing through the night and into Saturday. A low pressure system spinning over Ohio. John and Jackie picked up Tom and me, then we picked up Mom and Dad and headed to the game. None of us were too excited about it because the rain continued to pour down. And it was 47. A cold day for the ballgame.
When we got to the ballpark at 3 p.m., the rain stopped. I’d like to say the sun came out, but that would not be true. It tried a few times but stayed behind the dark clouds. And it was pretty windy. But the rain held off during the game.
Our seats in Section 144 were fantastic! I think they were the best seats we ever had. They were just a few rows behind the visitors’ dugout. We had great seats for all the action, including the extra events and give-aways that happen during the game. Tom even snagged a t-shirt thrown into the crowd.
Because it was pretty cold, we all spent some time walking around the stadium looking for warm places. I think it is the first time I have ever gone to an Cleveland Indians game and not had ice cream. And when it is too cold for me to get ice cream – it is cold!
The best thing about the game was that the Cleveland Indians won. Unfortunately all the runs in the game happened in the first inning. Seattle got three runs in the top of the first. Cleveland got four runs in the bottom of the first. We thought it was going to be a high-scoring game. But both pitchers settled down and the innings went quickly after that. The game was over in less than three hours.
None of us complained about the fast game because we were all frozen by the end. We turned the heat way up in the car for the ride home which made us all a little sleepy. Tom drove back to Lexington where we dropped off Mom and Dad, and then John drove us home. Of course it started raining again almost as soon as we got back in the car.
It wasn’t the nicest day to go to a Cleveland Indians game, but it was a wonderful time together. We all laughed about the cold and huddled together as we rooted for our team. Maybe the Indians will still be playing in November when Tom and I get back to Ohio!
Loved your family picture in the stands…devoted fans you are!
Devoted or crazy! That was a cold game.