Cookies 5 – 8 of the Twelve Cookies of Christmas

In case you didn’t get enough sweetness yesterday, today I present cookies 5 – 8 of the Twelve Cookies of Christmas.  The deliciousness continues!  In case you have been eating too much sugar this Christmas and want to stop – here is a funny review of a product that makes things that have sugar in them taste like wax.  I won’t be buying it because I love my cookies!

Cookies 5 – 8 are a mix of old and new.  Cookie 5 was new to me and a recipe that I got from  I usually like anything from this site because it features chocolate and I love chocolate.  But the Hershey’s Chocolate Crispy Bars were not a winning recipe.  They were definitely chocolatey enough, but they ended up so crumbly.  And I wasn’t a fan of the kitchen sink additions of cookies and creme bars and pretzels.  Tasted like a Hershey Krackel Bar with some other stuff thrown in.  I won’t be making these again.

Cookie 6 was a tried and true favorite which is another Hershey recipe, Peanut Butter Blossoms.  I make these cookies every year because I love the peanut butter base with the melted chocolate kiss on top.  The trick is getting a cookie that is moist enough that it won’t crumble when you bite into it, and this recipe makes it just right.

Sticking with my chocolate theme, cookie 7 was my favorite Scotcheroos.  The Scotcheroos have the same base as the Hershey’s Chocolate Crispy Bars, but they are chewy instead of crumbly.  Probably because they use corn syrup instead of marshmallows.  They are also a no-bake bar which makes them nice to mix up between batches of cookies baking.  I realized when I was on my third bar of the day that I can’t stop eating these.  I love them!  So I put them in a container and put them in the freezer.  They are impossible to eat when frozen and I can dole them out in more controlled portions.

Moving away from chocolate is cookie 8, Gooey Butter Cookies.  This is a cake mix cookie and I usually avoid them.  But these cookies are supposed to taste like the butter cake we ate on St. Simons Island.  The cookies were a bit of a challenge to bake because they were too stiff for my mixer.  I had to work my biceps with a spoon.  But their stiffness made them easier to roll in the powdered sugar.  I wasn’t a fan of the cookies – they tasted like yellow cake mix to me.  But everyone else loved them!  Tom said they were the most addictive non-chocolate cookie he has ever had.  They may become a Christmas regular.

Those are cookies 5 – 8 on the twelve cookies of Christmas.  Tomorrow I will conclude with the final four.



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