The main reason Tom and I came back to Ohio when we did was graduation: specifically my nephew Jared’s graduation from Green High School. We wanted to be able to share in this big moment in his life.
To us, as adults – especially adults who went to college – graduation from high school doesn’t seem like a big deal. These days we expect kids to graduate from high school and it is almost a matter of shame if they don’t. But graduation from high school is the precursor of so many other important things in our lives. It is a symbolic first step into our adult lives. From here on out, you are expected to act like an adult. College, a job, marriage, children, a house – all of these are anticipated following graduation from high school.
So we made sure we were back in Ohio in time for Jared’s graduation and his party. We also got invited to the graduation parties of five other young people. These are all “our kids,” even if all we did was be another adult on their side.
We were only able to go to three of the parties. The others were on days when we had other obligations and places to be. We did send the obligatory “so proud, congrats on your graduation” cards. I even tried to write something personal and meaningful in each card, although I’m sure the graduates just glanced at the card while looking primarily at the gift enclosed. Graduates can get quite a haul these days!
We expected all of these young people to graduate. All six are wonderful young adults going off to college with excellent scholarships. Even better, all of them are quality young people who will do well in life if they use the gifts God has given them.
So congratulations on your graduation Jared, Kendra, Alex, Kevin, Sydney, and Madison. You are all stars! Let your light shine!