Warning: Sappy blog post ahead!

Today, January 29, is John’s birthday. He is 27 today. The name John means “gift of God” and this is the way Tom and I have always felt about John. I was told by some doctors that I would never be able to have children, but thanks to some experimental (at the time) treatments, Tom and I were blessed with a baby boy. He has been our greatest joy ever since.
Some parents complain about their children at certain ages: not sleeping as babies, the terrible twos, the teen years. But John has been great no matter what age and we have enjoyed each year. Sure, we had a few times when he wasn’t the perfect child, but he didn’t have perfect parents either. The poor kid was caught as an only child with two perfectionistic parents, so it is a blessing he turned out as well as he did.
John has accomplished a lot in his life. He lettered in three sports in high school and still graduated second in his class. He is an Eagle Scout. He graduated from college, got a Master’s Degree, and is happily married with a wonderful wife, a good job and a nice house.
But more importantly, John is a good man. He is friendly and loyal to his friends. He loves to play games and competes – well – like a Hartley. He is reliable and smart. He has always been able to make me laugh and he brightens up the life of anyone who knows him. He has been supportive of Tom and me in our new lifestyle. He is thoughtful toward his wife and his grandparents. He is a man of faith who loves Jesus. I don’t know that I would change anything about him – even if I could.
So Happy Birthday John! We have always loved you and we are proud of the man that you have become. Keep growing in God’s love (and ours) and never take God’s blessings for granted.
John through the years: