Happy Thanksgiving!

imagesWe are headed over to John and Jackie’s shortly – they are hosting their first Thanksgiving for the family (more on that tomorrow) – and I wanted to do a quick post before we leave.  Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday focused on the things that are really important:  food, family and friends, and football giving thanks.  So here are some things for which I am thankful today.

First, I am thankful for Jesus – he loved me enough to die for my sins even before he knew if I would love him.  It has been the greatest joy of my life to follow him every day and see where his leading would take me.

Second, I am thankful for family:  for Tom, John and Jackie, my parents, my brother and his family, my sister and her family.  We will all be together today, which means that the day will go too fast, we won’t have enough chances to talk, and there will be lots of catching up and lots of laughter.

Third, I am thankful for friends – old and new.  I am thankful for friends who take time to keep in touch with a phone call, an e-mail, or a text.  I am thankful for the new friends we are meeting on the road.  I am thankful for the life and love that we share.  I am thankful for those of you that take the time to read my blog, especially when you post comments.  It has been a wonderful way to update you on our adventures.

Fourth, I am thankful for shelter and safety.  We have a very nice small house and Tom and I are enjoying our life in 350 square feet.  So far we haven’t done anything stupid on the road which means that we have been safe.  I continue to pray for safe travels and give thanks for our little home.

Fifth, I am thankful for retirement, which is giving me an opportunity to explore new places and a new way of life.  Tom and I feel so blessed for this time together.  We are thankful that we can have meals together, explore, take our time with people and places, and sit in companionable silence.  We do not take a day of this life for granted.

That is not a complete list of the things for which I am thankful, but it is a good start.  How about you?  What are you thankful for on this Thanksgiving day?  May you have a day in which you appreciate being surrounded by God’s blessings.


  1. Kristin Burkey says:

    Thankful for the many blessings God has bestowed upon us. For family and friends that we may take for granted, but are always there to lend support when needed, and for trials and tribulations that make us grow in our faith. Happy Thanksgiving to all the Hartleys!

  2. Kristine Moye says:

    Happy Thanksgiving Karen! I get such a kick following your blog 🙂 glad you and Tom made it to town safely… Enjoy!

    • Karen says:

      Thanks to everyone for the great responses to Happy Thanksgiving. No matter what is going on in our lives we should always live with an attitude of gratitude!

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