After yesterday’s post, I thought I needed to write something a little lighter. So I’m going to write about ironing!
Most people don’t like to iron, but I find it very satisfying. I have several cotton blouses that I love to wear. Yes, I know they make no-iron cotton blouses, but I am trying to cut down on buying unnecessary items.

When we moved into the RV there wasn’t room for he big ironing board. So I bundled that off to the Trash and Treasure sale (see previous post) but kept the tailoring ironing board and my iron. Getting them out, however, is not trivial. I have to move half my knitting stuff out of a cupboard to get the iron. Then I have to move a large tote to get the small counter ironing board. Finally I have to clean off the island in the kitchen and get out a hot pad (You don’t want to set a hot iron on a Corian counter).
So the other day, after I had laundered all three of my cotton summer blouses, I got out the iron and enjoyed ironing them to a wrinkle-free state. Don’t they look nice? It took me longer to get the stuff out and put it back later than it did to iron the blouses but it was worth it. Somehow freshly ironed cotton just smells so fresh and neat.