John and Jackie Host Thanksgiving

For the last 15 years, my brother, sister and I have taken turns hosting the Clymer Thanksgiving.  We rotate so we host once every three years.  This year was my turn – but it would be hard for 14 people to fit into the RV, much less enjoy a meal together.  So John and Jackie graciously agreed (like they had a choice) to take over our hosting responsibilities.

Tom and I got to Columbus on Monday, and Tuesday we were at their home cleaning and helping to get ready for the big day.  Wednesday we did the grocery shopping and finished up a couple of home improvement projects.


John and Jackie host the feast
The hosts and the feast

But Thursday was all John and Jackie.  They got up early to put the turkey in the oven, prepared vegetables, mashed potatoes, and stuffing.  Jackie decorated beautifully.  All I did on Thursday was fix a relish tray.  Everything turned out perfectly.  The turkey was moist and delicious.  The stuffing and mashed potatoes were so good they didn’t even need gravy.  My sister brought a variety of pies (anytime is the right time for pie), Mom brought her famous jello salad, and my brother brought a green bean casserole made from beans grown in his garden.  We sat down to a delicious feast where everyone got as much as they wanted with plenty to spare.

Sitting around the table enjoyed each other
Sitting around the table enjoying each other

The family gathered, we talked and laughed and caught up.  We ate and ate and enjoyed every bite.  Then we planned our next get-together – Christmas!

I think John and Jackie were a little nervous about hosting their first Thanksgiving, but they pulled it off like pros.  They throw get-togethers on a regular basis, and this was no different – just a little higher on the expectations ladder.  I feel so at home at their house, that when people were leaving I thanked them for coming before I realized that I wasn’t the hostess.

Devon and Jared help Grandma with her cell phone
Devon and Jared help Grandma with her cell phone

Thanks to John and Jackie for hosting a wonderful day for the Clymer family.  They did it with style and flair and made everyone feel at home so our Thanksgiving could be everything that we wanted it to be.

Grace and Kat enjoyed playing with Sully
Grace and Kat enjoyed playing with Sully

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