Lemonade Philanthropists

Today when I was driving home from work, I saw two young girls sitting at a lemonade stand.  The stand was just down the street from The Willows, so I pulled in to the trailer, put a couple of dollars in my pocket and walked back to the stand.  They had just finished selling the last cup in a pitcher, so Mom was inside making another pitcher of lemonade and I talked to the girls while I waited.

The girls running the lemonade stand.
The girls running the lemonade stand.

I don’t remember the name of the girl on the left, but the girl on the right is McKayla.  McKayla just had a birthday and instead of presents, she asked people to bring items that could be used for a dog rescue group.  She got a carload of great things for the rescue group, and decided, after they were delivered, that she would have a lemonade stand this summer to raise more money.  The other girl, McKayla’s best friend, said she would do anything she could to help, so they set up this stand together.

McKayla wants to be a veterinarian and plans to start a no-kill animal rescue that her mother will run when her mother retires.  I like a girl with a plan, especially one that is so ambitious and altruistic.  I ended up giving them $2 for one refreshing cup of pink lemonade but the conversation was definitely worth it.  McKayla is learning at a young age how to organize, plan for the future, and delegate.  She is sure to be a future leader in school and in whatever she decides to do.   And I like the friend who decided to support her, because “it’s more fun to do things together.”  You go girls!  I may be drinking a lot more lemonade in the next month.

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