Last Friday I attended a luncheon at Wedgewood Estates with my mother and sister for Mother’s Day. Wedgewood Estates, just in case you are wondering, is not connected in any way with Wedgewood United Methodist Church. It is just a coincidence that the retirement community where my mom and dad live is named the same thing as the church I served.

The Mother’s Day luncheon at Wedgewood was mothers and daughters, although I did see one son sitting at a table. The men had to eat outside and had different food. Tom, Dad, my brother, and my nephew all enjoyed a wonderful picnic lunch of pizza and wings. It was a beautiful day and they were very happy to be outside.

The women were instructed to gather with their daughters and fancy hats inside. Julia gifted me a fancy hat because I don’t have any. I think we were the fanciest people at the luncheon, although several of the staff also had very fancy hats. We sat at a table with Betty Hissong and her daughter Beth Crow. Mom and Betty have been best friends for as long as I can remember. I officiated at the funeral of Betty’s husband last year. So it was nice to all be able to share lunch together.
The luncheon was one of those meals that people think women should like, but rarely do. It is the reason why Mother-Daughter Banquets have fallen out of style. The owner of Wedgewood Estates welcomed all of us to the luncheon and invited us to tell labor stories. Hearing about childbirth is one of the last things I want to do before a meal. But most of these women had babies in the era when the mothers were barely conscious and the fathers were out in the waiting rooms. Consequently the stories were less gruesome than they could have been.

After several labor stories, the owner read a book called “I’ll Love You Forever.” It is a story about a mother who rocks her son every night as he sleeps, no matter how old he gets. As she rocks him, she says “I’ll love you forever. I’ll like you for always. As long as I’m living, my baby you’ll be.” Frankly, I’ve always found the book a little creepy, but I may be overthinking it. The sentiment is one shared by most mothers, however, “as long as I’m living, my baby you’ll be.”
Finally the stories were over and we could enjoy our food. Wedgewood served mini quiches, cucumber sandwiches, pea salad, and prosciutto roll. The food was good enough, for that kind of food, but I would have preferred the pizza and wings served to the men. The best part of the food was the mixed berries and cupcakes served for dessert. The best part of the meal, however, was just spending time with Mom and my sister. We always have a good time when we are together.

After lunch, Steve had to get on home, but the rest of us stayed and played dominoes. Surprisingly, I won!
For Mother’s Day, all of us kids got Mom flowers. We didn’t discuss it with each other, but we know what she likes. I got her a corsage and hanging basket. Steve got her a potted flower to plant outside. Julia got her roses for on her table.

It was a wonderful day spent with people I love. I am so thankful for the blessing of my wonderful parents and getting to share special days with them.