Move More

Tom and I have been staying very active in retirement.  We have been riding the bike (until we hit Texas) and hiking as much as possible.  And then we came back to Ohio where every day seems gray, gloomy, and cold.  That kind of weather makes me want to hunker down under a blanket with a book – or bake cookies – or make lots of cozy comfort food.  I don’t mind being outside when it is sunny and cold, but so far in December we have had a total of three sunny days.  Tom encourages me to get out and walk, but I don’t want to leave my cozy nest.  Consequently I put on a few pounds, which cannot continue.

So I need to “move more.”  This is is a phrase from Weight Watchers that really spoke to me when I first heard it.  I don’t have to run a marathon or take up a sport where I get overheated and grumpy.  I just have to move more than I am now.  So I have been popping in a Leslie Sansone “Walk at Home” DVD every morning and walking a few miles before I get on with my day.  Leslie is cute and energetic, which often irritates me in the morning, and my favorite DVD of hers is one where I can turn off the voice, leave the music on, and follow along with the easy motions.  The exercise isn’t strenuous, but it gets my heart pumping, warms me up, and helps me to have more energy the rest of the day.

I don’t have a big exercise space in the RV.  I put the desk chair on the couch, shove the coffee table over, and then get to walking.  The space measures 4.5 feet by 6 feet, so I have to be a little careful how I move, but the space is plenty big to get me moving, which is the point.

My workout space - chair on couch and coffee table pushed back - Leslie Sansone on tv
My workout space – angel in the window, chair on the couch and the coffee table pushed back – Leslie Sansone on tv

Move more.  You would think that would be easy to do when you live in a house on wheels.  But I still have to make staying fit a priority in my life.  Even if the weather outside is frightful, and my space is limited, there are always ways to move more.


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