Moving John and Jackie into New House

Back to our moving service.  In the same week Tom and I were doing yard work at John and Jackie’s new house, we were also helping them move.  Their new house is only five miles from their old one, but whether you move five miles or 500, you still have to move all your stuff.

Jackie, do you still want this potato?

They closed on Tuesday morning and by the time they got back, we were at their old house with a 20 foot U-Haul truck.  We helped them pack boxes and load them up in the truck.  We got the first load packed pretty full in the truck.  Unfortunately John then had to go to work.  He had meetings all afternoon.

So Tom drove the truck and Jackie and I met him at the new house to unload it.  We were able to get everything out and into the house or the large, three car garage.  Then we headed back to their house for another load.  By the time we got the second haul loaded, John was done with his meetings and could help us unload it.  We took a break for supper and then we went back to the old house for one more load.

I have to admit that I was worn out from packing and moving stuff all day.  Tom was pretty tired too, although he doesn’t like to admit it.  We loaded the truck about halfway full and realized we were all done.  Jackie kept saying there wasn’t much left, although Tom and I have enough moving experience we knew she was wrong.  After unloaded the third load at the new house, Tom and I headed home.

John and Jackie took the U-Haul truck back and then went to their new house.  After putting their bed together, they fell into it.  Although they won’t admit to being tired, I’m sure they were ready to be done with the move.  But there were still two more days to go!

Wednesday Black Tie movers came to carry the heavy furniture and the workout equipment in the basement.  Tom and I were very glad to take a day off from carrying heavy things up and down the stairs.  Instead, we helped unpack things at the new house and move peppers.

Thursday was the final day of moving and it was a long, full, tiring day.  Both John and Jackie had to work, so I packed boxes while Tom loaded them.  Then we transported them to John and Jackie’s.  We worked all afternoon and finally had most things packed up.  But there were stacks of boxes in the basement and the old knees just wouldn’t carry them up anymore.

Fortunately the second team came just as Tom and I were pooping out.  Two friends, Geoff and Ryan, brought their muscles and young backs and started carrying things up the steps quickly.  Ryan also brought another truck so we were able to load up two trucks and two cars before we transported items.  We had pizza for supper, then loaded up again.  At this point, Tom and I headed home because we were done.

John and Jackie kept working through the evening and into the night because they wanted to be done with the move.  They got everything they wanted out of the old house, took a little time to clean, and then fell asleep, exhausted, at the new house.

With everything moved, Tom and I were relieved of responsibility.  It is up to John and Jackie to unpack and figure out where to put things.  But they can do it over the next few weeks without a deadline looming over them.

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