Kirkwall, Mainland, Orkney, Scotland

The day after visiting Lerwick, our ship arrived in Kirkwall.  Kirkwall is located on the island of Mainland.  Mainland is one of 70 islands in the Orkney Archipelago.  Twenty of the islands are inhabited and Mainland is the largest, while Kirkwall is the biggest town.  Orkney is one of the councils of Scotland, part of …

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Harstad, Norway, A Beautiful Hike

Heading south again after North Cape, our next port of call was Harstad, Norway.  Harstad is one of those medium-sized communities that Tom and I prefer.  It has about 25,000 people, which makes it small enough but also means that it has all the stores and restaurants you want.  The town was established as a …

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North Cape and the Arctic Circle

Our ship reached its furthest north point, North Cape, Norway two days after Trondheim.  We crossed into the Arctic Circle the next morning and are now experiencing continual daylight.  The sun doesn’t set in this area of the world from May 12 until July 31.  I got up several times during the first night just …

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Copenhagen, Denmark

Copenhagen, Denmark, was the last Scandinavian country capital that we visited.  That is, if you count Norway, Denmark, Sweden, and Finland as the Scandinavian countries.  There is some confusion about how many Scandinavian countries there are, you may recall. Copenhagen is the capital and most populous city of Denmark, with 1.4 million people in the urban area.  …

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Lübeck, Capital of the Hanseatic League

We visited Lübeck, Germany, the day after visiting Ronne, which was quite a contrast.  Lübeck had all the historical bona fides that Ronne lacked.  Not only that, but Lübeck was the capital of the Hanseatic League and its most important city.  In fact, the official name of the city is “Hanseatic City of Lübeck.” I …

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