Proud of my Parents

Betty and David Clymer in 1957
Betty and David Clymer in 1957

Yesterday Tom and I headed a little bit north to spend most of the day with my parents.  My parents are in their late 70’s and are very active.  They had their 57th wedding anniversary on Sunday.  They move between their home in Lexington and a cottage at Lakeside in the summer.  They play tennis, read a lot, are active in their church, practice their faith daily, and strive to be faithful disciples of Jesus Christ.  All of these are things I admire about them.

Yesterday, however, I was especially proud of them.  Tom and I went with them to the Verizon Store and they both bought iPhones.  Dad has had a cell phone for a while, but he basically made phone calls on it and that was all.  Dad also has an iPad that both of them have learned to use and they are proficient with WiFi.  The iPhone was a natural choice in a smart phone for them because the format is so similar to the iPad – smaller learning curve.

Mom got her phone and we started playing with it right away.  Before we left the store, she had taken a selfie and, sent her first text, and responded to a text.  On the way home she learned how to use the map feature on the phone.  By the end of the day she was entering contacts, responding to texts and getting comfortable just answering the phone and making calls.  Dad wasn’t able to use his phone until after midnight (not sure why, but that’s what the Verizon people said) so he watched over Mom’s shoulder and practiced along with her.

Betty and David Clymer 57 years later
Betty and David Clymer 57 years later

I am so proud to have parents who aren’t afraid to learn new things.  They have taught me to be curious about my surroundings and to use what God gives us (good brains!).  All my life they have told me how proud they are of me, and I am so blessed to be able to reciprocate.

Here’s to you, Mom and Dad!  I (still) want to be just like you when I grow up!

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