Sandy Bottom Bagels on St Simons Island

I love bagels!  They are chewy and delicious.  I especially like chocolate chip bagels and cinnamon raisin bagels.  And there is nothing better than fresh, made-that-morning bagels.  Last year, on the recommendation of Bob and Denise – another volunteer couple – we discovered Sandy Bottom Bagels during our last month.  This year we took full advantage of a little bagel store right here on the island.

Sandy Bottom Bagels is close to the Great Clips where we get our hair cut.  It is one of several restaurants in a shopping strip just off the big traffic circle on the island.  It doesn’t look like much on the outside or the inside, but their bagels are delicious!  Fresh, chewy, and soft.

The menu is extensive for a bagel shop:  six to eight kinds of bagels that vary a little from day to day.  About 10 sandwiches with the bagel for the bread.  Wheat bread, wraps, and salads.  Chips and soft drinks.  Tom likes to order an egg sandwich on a wheat bagel.  I usually order turkey on a wheat bagel.  But we both like to get a chocolate chip or raisin bagel for later in the day.  They also have cream cheese but I don’t like cream cheese so I don’t pay attention to it.

Sandy Bottom Bagels likes to say they serve “New York style bagels with southern style hospitality.”  We have certainly found that to be true when we stop by there.  Rachel, our SCA intern, likes to get the day-old bagels.  They sell them first thing in the morning in a variety bag, so you never know what kind you will get.  I don’t know where they get the name.  Maybe people from the beach come in and pick up bagels while their bottoms are still sandy.  It is fun to speculate on the name.

We really enjoy going to Sandy Bottom Bagels.  If you love bagels, this is a great place to go.  But get there early or they may be out of your favorite flavor!


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