Tom and I have been busy moving sticks and planting grass. This isn’t the year we were planning on having, back in January and February, but it is the year we’ve got. So instead of visiting lots of interesting places, we are tending our home, visiting with family, and helping others. I’m afraid the blog can get rather boring for you and I look forward to the day when we can travel again.
One of the first projects we started when we moved into our house was removing the stick fence in the front yard. The previous owner might have had a vision when he started piling branches up along the street, but it turned into a place to throw all the sticks and branches that fell in the yard. The “fence” was a zig-zag shape and looked awful.
The first week we lived in the house, we rented a truck from Home Depot and hauled away the sticks. It was amazing how many of them were piled up. Pretty much filled up the pick-up truck. That was about all we had time for at that point, so we waited to see if the grass would fill in where the sticks had been.
After a month, we bought some EZ Seed Patch and Repair grass seed. Because the area was so small, one bottle of EZ Seed was enough for the area. Tom raked the soil, then I sprinkled on the EZ Seed. EZ Seed includes mulch that expands when the area is watered. We now have grass growing where the pile of sticks was previously.

As I was watering the new grass one day, I noticed a hole in the soil. As I watered, two baby garter snakes came out and drank up the water. They flicked out their little snaky tongues and enjoyed the bath. I probably overwatered the area because I was enjoying watching the snakes.
I am so glad to have the fence of sticks gone and grass growing in its place. The front of the house looks much better as we gradually work on it to make it our own.