Stone House Butcher and Provisions

Although Tom and I have driven by the Stone House Butcher and Provisions shop every time we go to Uniontown, we had not stopped there.  We don’t buy a lot of meat.  About once a month I get chicken breasts from the grocery to cook in bulk and then use in lots of dishes.  But we only eat other meats when we eat out.  So, the Stone House Butcher and Provisions shop looked interesting, but we didn’t stop.

Until two weeks ago when they added a sign that said “Now selling Boars Head Meats.”  Boars Head Meats are our favorite low sodium deli meats.  They have a no-sodium turkey breast that is delicious.  And we love their low-sodium lacey swiss cheese.  We buy Boars Head regularly at Krogers in Columbus and at Harris Teeter on St. Simon’s Island.  We had not been able to find it in Uniontown, so we have gone without all summer.

When we saw the sign at Stone House Butcher and Provisions, we had to stop.  Our first time in we talked to the manager who told us he had just expanded the range of Boars Head products they carried.  Although he didn’t have any no-salt turkey breast, he said he would order it and have it the next week.  He did have the lacey swiss cheese in stock so we got a pound of that and promised to stop by the next week.

We also enjoyed looking around the shop.  In addition to all kinds of meats (including alligator!), they had sauces and rubs for grilling.  The beef prices seemed a little steep, but we don’t buy beef so what do we know.  It is so unusual to find a stand-alone butcher shop these days that we weren’t going to argue about the prices.

We are looking forward to going back to the Stone House Butcher Shop this week to get our no-salt turkey breast.  We will probably have him slice it and buy the whole breast because it is so hard to find in Pennsylvania.  I am sorry it took us so long to go in – we might have been able to have turkey all summer!  Personalized service in a real butcher shop is something to treasure.

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