The Air Conditioning Is On

downloadWell, we finally broke down and turned on the air conditioning.  We had been enjoying the breezes during the day and the lovely, cool evenings.  But last week when we got home from work and the temperature was 93 inside the RV, we decided we had better turn on the air conditioning.

Up until now, the weather here in Death Valley has been very nice for several months.  When we first got here, the average daily high temperature was in the 50’s.  Then it started climbing, getting a little warmer every week.  This last week we have had record-breaking high temperatures – in the 90’s here at Scotty’s Castle, and over 100 for the last four days at Furnace Creek.

Scotty’s Castle is 3,000 feet higher than Furnace Creek, so it stays relatively cool here, but 10 to 15 degrees cooler than 105 is still pretty hot!  So far the air conditioning is working very well and it has certainly helped us sleep at night.

I miss hearing the cheerful birds every morning and watching the sunrise out my bedroom window.  But that is the price we pay for comfort and being able to sleep at night.

We keep hearing that it is supposed to cool down a little, but our supervisor, who lives here all year, says that it really won’t get much cooler – and it will certainly get hotter in the next month.  So we are probably stuck with the air conditioning on for the rest of our time here in Death Valley.  If we think it is hot now . . .


  1. JuliaSueStampingLive . says:

    Yeah – if it’s hot now – you ain’t seen nothin’ yet, right? Well, actually, you DO know how hot it gets there since you’ve been there before. Good thing you have the air conditioning. Sounds like it would be miserable without it.

    • Karen says:

      After we had the air conditioning on for a week, we went into record low temperatures. Meaning in the 40’s at night and the 70’s during the day. It has been really nice – and the air conditioning has been off for a while.

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