The Tax Information Is in the Mail

taxesTom and I have a great tax accountant.  We have been very fortunate to have a whole series of great tax accountants.  They have all been in Minerva, Ohio, so that meant they were a long way from Akron but this year everything in Ohio is a long way from where we are!

So I had to put together all of our tax stuff and mail it all to our accountant.  He is willing to work long distance.  In fact, he works half the time out of Florida anyway.  He told us we could mail the information to him in Florida or Ohio.

Gathering up the tax information was more challenging than usual.  Some of it got mailed to our old address.  Some got mailed to Columbus and then John forwarded it to us here in Death Valley.  Some of it seems to have just gotten lost somewhere along the way.

And then there is the tax stuff that I had to get online.  I have internet access at work, but no printer.  I would read the information, copy it to a travel drive, and then take it home and print it out there.

When I pulled everything together, I discovered I was still missing one 1099-R form.  I logged into my online account and found out that I was not able to download the form from my account.  I had to call them and request that it be sent via e-mail.  Even though I have internet, I still do not have a cell signal.  So I got permission from my work supervisor to call the 800 number from work to request my form be e-mailed to me so I could download it to the travel drive and go home to print it out.  Whew!

I finally got all the forms and tax information I need (I hope).  The next problem – mailing it.  The closest post office is an hour away and not open on Sundays when I usually go into town.  I guestimated how much postage I would need, doubled it, and then put that number of stamps on the big manila envelope.  One of the rangers that commutes from Furnace Creek every day is taking the envelope with her today and mailing it at the post office tomorrow.

I hope it is all there.  At least tomorrow I can say that the tax information is in the mail.

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