Catching Up on the Home Front

Tom and I have been busy catching up on the home front.  We got back from Georgia at the end of February.  Although Ohio has had a very mild winter, we got back on a day with rain, wind, snow, and rapidly dropping temperatures.  As soon as we got the car unloaded from the dolly, Tom headed to Home Depot to pick up some RV antifreeze.  We re-winterized the RV just in time for the temperature to drop into the 20’s.  After a couple of cold nights, lows have remained in the 40’s and the highs have been in the 60’s, which is very pleasant for Ohio in March.  But we could still be subject to some cold snaps.  At least we don’t have to worry about the RV.

After getting the RV unloaded, we spent time catching up with the house.  I got all the bedding washed.  We cleaned the RV refrigerator and the home refrigerator.  It is easiest to clean them when they are empty.  Sorting through the mail always takes a while.  Have you noticed how one task leads to five other tasks, which lead to even more tasks?  It seems like every time I work on something on my to-do list, it leads to me writing more things on my to-do list.

My to-do list is pretty long right now.  We are catching up on stuff from the winter.  But I am also trying to take care of as many details as possible for our upcoming trip.  You would think a three-month cruise and one-month land tour wouldn’t require all kinds of extra reservations, but there is still lots to do.  Getting to the ship.  Then transferring to our land tour.  Five days on our own in London.  Getting to the last ship.  Then getting home from the ship.  Simple, right?

In between everything else, we are catching up with parents, John and Jackie, and even fitting in a few friend and doctor visits.  We got the house cleaned, mostly clearing away spider webs and getting stuff from the RV put back in its proper place in the house.

Tom got a beautiful new suitcase for the trip.  We both have our suitcases in convenient locations to toss in rarely used but necessary travel things as we think of them.  I think a good portion of my suitcase will be making sure I have a four-month supply of my allergy and prescription medications.  Will my insurance cover a drug refill in Great Britain?  Another thing to check on!  My current packing list is two pages with double columns.  And I like to think I am an expert in packing light!

So, on the one hand, life continues to be busy.  But, on the other, we have time to get things done and are looking forward to our upcoming trip.  Not a lot of new stuff to write about in the blog right now – but just wait!  I will have plenty of stuff to cover starting in April.

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