From National Parks

Huffman Prairie Flying Field in Dayton, Ohio

The last National Park site we visited on our September trip was Huffman Prairie Flying Field in Dayton, Ohio.  Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historical Park has five sites: the Wright brothers’ printing office, the bicycle shop, Wright mansion, Paul Laurence Dunbar’s home, and Huffman Prairie Flying Field.  Each site requires driving to reach it, and …

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Apostle Islands National Lakeshore

After spending three weeks in Michigan, Tom and I headed next door to Apostle Islands National Lakeshore in Wisconsin.  Hitting Apostle Islands meant that we visited all three national lakeshores in one month:  Sleeping Bear Dunes, Pictured Rocks, and Apostle Islands. When Tom and I planned this trip, we had multiple days at Sleeping Bear …

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Fort Wilkins Historic State Park

Fort Wilkins Historic State Park includes the campground where we stayed in Copper Harbor.  It also includes another large campground on the east side of park, which is only open through Labor Day.  In between the two campgrounds lies the reconstructed and restored Fort Wilkins Historic State Park.  This is an unusual pairing:  state parks …

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Eagle Harbor Lighthouse and Museums

After leaving Calumet, Tom and I headed up to Eagle Harbor.  We wanted to see the Eagle Harbor Lighthouse, one of the partner sites for the Keweenaw National Heritage Park.  We had already seen a bunch of lighthouses, so we weren’t expecting much.  But the site exceeded our expectations and became one of our favorite …

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Keweenaw National Historic Park

After visiting the Grand Canyon of Michigan, Tom and I headed north to see the Keweenaw National Historic Park in the Keweenaw Peninsula.  The peninsula is all about copper mining, milling, smelting, and shipping.  Every town of any size has some connection to the copper industry.  When mining stopped in the 1970’s, the people in …

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