From Off the Shelf

The Messenger of Athens

The Messenger of Athens by Anne Zouroudi is a mystery with an investigator named Hermes Diaktoros.  Hermes is a fat man with white canvas shoes that he always keeps immaculately clean despite the grimy atmosphere of the imaginary Greek island of Thiminos.  Hermes may, or may not, be the Greek god Hermes.  In Greek mythology …

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A Wilder Rose

Little House on the Prairie is one of the few television shows that I can remember everyone in my family gathering around the television to watch.  We looked forward to it every week and would talk about the (obvious) lessons learned around the dinner table.  The Ingalls family became as well known to us as …

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I Forgot to Remember

My wonderful, fit, and very active sister had a stroke when she was 35.  Thankfully she recovered, but she still has occasional memory issues and doesn’t like big crowds with lots of noise.  A good friend got a concussion 15 years ago when she fell and still has short term memory loss.  I have seen …

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Mysteries by J.A. Jance

I love to get lost in a good book.  Mysteries are my favorite.  I like to read along as the investigator puts the clues together and solves the puzzle.  Unlike life, the mysteries I read usually have the puzzle worked out in 300 pages with the good guys triumphant and the bad guys packed off …

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The Invention of Wings

“The Invention of Wings” is the best-selling, Oprah-recommended, new novel by Sue Monk Kidd, who also wrote “The Secret Life of Bees.”  I get most of my books from the library, and I had to wait several months for this one because so many people had requested it.  I hope they liked it as much …

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Frog Music

“Frog Music” is the newest novel from Emma Donoghue, the bestselling author of the novel “Room” which I found to be a riveting story that I couldn’t put down.  “Frog Music” did not live up to this standard. Based on an unsolved crime from the late 1800’s, Emma Donoghue did extensive research and wrote a …

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