Crockett Tavern in Morristown, Tennessee is a reproduction of the boyhood home of Davy Crockett. Tom and I visited there when we had to make a trip to the big box stores in Morristown. Because Fess Parker played both Daniel Boone and Davy Crockett in series on television, people often get the two historical figures confused. Daniel Boone is the older historical figure but the Davy Crockett television series came first.

John Crockett, Davy Crockett’s father, was born in Virginia in 1753. He moved with his new wife, Rebecca, and his parents and siblings to eastern Tennessee in 1776. His father and several siblings were killed during an Indian raid in 1777. John sold his property and moved further west after his father’s death. John fought in the Battle of Kings Mountain in 1780 as one of the Overmountain Men. Davy was born near Limestone, Tennessee in 1886, the fifth of the Crockett children.

After a flood, John abandoned his property and moved to Morristown, Tennessee in 1792 where he built Crockett Tavern. John was a well-respected man, although he didn’t do well in business and was often in debt. He also sounds like he was a difficult father. He indentured Davy several times in order to help pay off his own debts. The first time was when Davy was 12 years old. Once, when Davy left school early, John attempted to whip him, but Davy outran him and left home. Although Davy helped his father pay off debts, the two men were never close. It is thought that John continued to live in the Crockett Tavern until he died in 1834.
The Crockett Tavern is a replica of the original tavern, built across the street from the original building. At the time of the rebuilding, the original property was occupied by a gas station. A private group erected the tavern and runs it today.
Tom and I parked and then explored the property. We checked out the downstairs rooms. One room was set up with spinning and weaving equipment. The other contained all kinds of tools and Crockett memorabilia. We went upstairs and found the place where we were supposed to start the tour. Because we had already seen the downstairs, we paid our fee and continued our self-guided tour instead of joining the tour guide. The guide was very nice about us looking around on our own. We checked out the two bedrooms upstairs and then headed out.
The Crockett Tavern is an interesting place to stop by, especially if you are interested in Davy Crockett. He seems like an interesting person. Self-educated with strong opinions. He served in the US House of Representatives but often disagreed with the people in power, even if they were from his own party. Davy lived in Tennessee until he lost re-election in 1836. Then he moved to Texas. He said, “I told the people of my district that I would serve them as faithfully as I had done; but if not, they might go to hell, and I would go to Texas.”