Decorating the RV for Christmas

A friend of mine who loves to decorate every room of her home for Christmas asked me how we were decorating the RV for Christmas.  One of the good things about talking to people who are reading the blog is that it gives me ideas for new blog posts.  So here is how we are decorating the RV for Christmas:


Yep, that’s it.

I’ve never been much for decorating.  I put up a Christmas tree after John was born – before that we had a Christmas dieffenbachia.  We hung up some garlands and lights in addition to a tree when we would have Christmas Open Houses.  And, of course, I have always put up a nativity.

But nativities have to be put away and taken out each time we move.  A tree would take up too much space.  My mom offered us the heirloom ceramic tree but I’m afraid that would break with the jostling on the road.  So I found an angel that lights up to hang in the window.  She weighs about 10 oz so she doesn’t add a lot of weight and she is plastic in addition to the lights, so she isn’t very delicate.  She will fit in a small cupboard when the Christmas season is over.

Besides, what could be more appropriate than an angel in this season of preparation before Christmas?  An angel appeared to Mary to tell her she would have a baby.  An angel talked Joseph into marrying Mary when he found out she was pregnant.  Angels filled the sky on the night of the birth of Jesus to announce to anyone who would listen – even shepherds – that the Messiah had been born.  An angel is the perfect symbol of the Advent season as we prepare to welcome the Christ child into our hearts.

My Christmas decorations, like the rest of my life, have been downsized.  But the number or size of the decorations isn’t what is important.  What should matter most to us is the way we prepare (decorate) our hearts and lives to welcome Jesus Christ.

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