George Macdonald and his “Indispensable Christ”

Do you ever read something that sticks in your head and means more to you as time goes by?  Many Bible stories do that for me, but sometimes other things do as well.  There are novels, biographies, sermons, and quotes that speak to something deep inside me.  Those are the best books, the best sermons, even the best movies.  I recently read a poem that has done the same thing:  “Indispensable Christ” by George Macdonald.

“Security” by David Bowman

The poem is so powerful and spoke so clearly to me that I am going to copy it here:

I am so weak, dear Lord, I cannot stand one moment without Thee;

But, oh, the tenderness of Thy enfolding,

And oh, the faithfulness of Thy upholding,

And, oh, the strength of Thy right hand – that Strength is enough for me.

I am so needy, Lord, and yet I know all fullness dwells in Thee;

And, hour by hour, that never-failing treasure

Supplies and fills in overflowing measure

My last and greatest need, and so Thy Grace is enough for me.

It is so sweet to trust Thy Word alone:  I do not ask to see

The unveiling of Thy Purpose or the shining

Of future light on mysteries untwining;

Thy promise-roll is all my own –

Thy Word is enough for me.

There were strange soul-depths, restless, vast, and broad, unfathomed as the sea –

And infinite craving for some infinite stilling;

But now Thy perfect love is perfect filling;

Lord Jesus Christ, my Lord, my God, Thou, Thou art enough for me.

I had never heard of George Macdonald before I read this poem.  But these words spoke the truth of Christ to me and I am reading more of what George Macdonald wrote.  He was a Scottish preacher, a poet, and the first Christian Fantasy writer.  He influenced Lewis Carroll, C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, and Madeleine L’Engle.  I don’t know if I will find anything else I like as much as this poem, but I plan to spend some time reading George Macdonald’s books.

What poem, book, or author has stuck in your brain and revealed Christ to you?  I consider myself blessed when I discover a new work that inspires me and draws me closer to Jesus.  We always need to spend time in his Word, but it is good when other works edify us as well.



  1. Brenda Ferguson says:

    Several in my memory box & bookshelf…but do love The Upward Path by Henry van Dyke & especially The Other Wise Man…Indispensable Christ is beautiful!

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