In Praise of My Fitbit: It Just Keeps Going!

I have a Fitbit that I wear every day.  I got it back in 2013 when they were all clip-ons, so I have a Fitbit One.  I mentioned to John and Jackie that I was thinking about getting one, and they said they had one they would give me.  They are early adopters, and got Fitbit Ones as soon they came out.  They ended up not using them and their dog ate one of them, so they gave me the other one.  I have worn it every day since.

I like the Fitbit One because it is unobtrusive and keeps excellent track of my steps.  In using it, I can calculate exactly how far I’ve walked as I aim for that magic 10,000 steps.  When I was working, I only averaged 4,000 steps a day.  Once I retired, I was able to take more time for walking and other exercise.  I can sync the Fitbit with an app on my phone, but I generally just aim for the 10,000 steps and forget it the rest of the time.

I hook the Fitbit to the pocket or waist of whatever I am wearing.  My mom has a Fitbit watch that she really likes.  Not only does it remind her to get active if she has been too sedentary, but she can also see text messages on it.  My device isn’t that advanced, which is fine.

This last week I realized that I didn’t have my Fitbit on in the afternoon.  As soon as I noticed, I realized that I must have left it clipped to the jeans I just washed and dried.  I found it still clipped to the now-clean jeans.  I was sure it was dead and was debating whether to buy a used one on E-bay or get a watch.  They don’t make the clip-ons anymore.  Instead, Tom encouraged me to charge it and wait a day or two to see if it revived.

After charging it for several hours and leaving it overnight, it started to revive.  I charged it again and now it is working perfectly!  I can’t believe it survived the washer and dryer!  But I am thankful that it did.

I love my little Fitbit that reminds me to keep going.  At the rate we are going, it will outlast me!  Do you have a Fitbit or similar step tracker?  What keeps you moving?