Jr Ranger season at Fort Frederica is in full swing. Spring breaks from school are the prime Jr Ranger season here. We get more Jr Rangers in the week before and after Easter than we get the rest of the year combined. So I recently cleaned out the Jr Ranger letters bin.
I wrote last year about the Letters to London that the Jr Rangers write as part of our Jr Ranger program. I included some of the cute letters that the kids wrote. It was one of my favorite posts because I love hearing the kids’ viewpoints of the park. None of you commented on it, so I don’t know if you liked it or not, but I decided to do it again this year.
The children do a “scavenger hunt” type program here. They are to deliver a message to Captain Demere from General Oglethorpe. They have to chase all over town looking for Captain Demere. When they are done, they are supposed to write a letter back home to London, telling what they have learned and their impressions of the town. Here are my favorite Jr Ranger letters this year, spelling and punctuation mistakes are theirs.
Hi mother, dad has died of a heat stroke. I am living with my friends now and they are really nice. I hope you are dooing well. P.S. There was just a war here and there are only about 100 people living here now. Emory
Dear Mr. Moore, Thank you for your service at Fort Frederica and we wanting to come home and we extermely are sunburned and very tired and lack clean water and smell like crap and urine here and we want to get some rest and have a pint of grog. Yours Sincecely, Nancy
Dear King Gorge, It is very windy. Your servent Isabella
Dear Matilde, I have arrived at Fort Frederica in St Simmons island Georgia. I have been busy delivering letters and looking at cannon ranges for a junior ranger badge. I watched how people used to make thing out of metal (basically blacksmithing). I learne about candles and how they’re made. Did you know that some candles were made out of animal fat?! Weird and awsome at the same time! We miss you and your family very much and we wish you guys were here with us. You would love it. P.S. Write back! Sincerly, Zaila
Georgia is very hot and filled with bugs and Im beginning to hate the place. It looks like many forests, swamps, and marshes. I’m ready to home. Benjamin.
Dear London, I am here. It is coming along. It is not ready yet. We are doing great. I want to see you soon. We will send you a painting of this place when it is all done. Fred
I love working with the children and reading their Jr Ranger letters. Hope you enjoyed these few excerpts as well.
Kid’s writings are the best sometimes. Sounds like it was a very hot day. I wonder where Benjamin is from 🙂
I love how honest kids are. The world looks different from their viewpoint and they don’t have the cynicism we develop as adults.