In my continuing quest to find a great local yarn shop near me, I visited Yesterdays Ewes in London, Ohio. London is about halfway between Westerville and Dayton, so it isn’t really close. It is too far to go for a regular knit night or to grab a ball of yarn. But if I can visit yarn stores in Ludington, Michigan, I can certainly stop by a yarn store in London, Ohio.

Yesterdays Ewes is located in a historic bank in downtown London. The owner has kept many of the unique features of the bank, such as the vault and the tellers’ windows. All of the yarn is located around the walls of one large room. There is a nice selection, but I had not heard of most of the yarns. In addition, she has them arranged according to manufacturer instead of weight, which made it difficult to find what I was looking for. The owner told me she is trying, as much as possible, to use local or regional yarns.

I wanted to get some yarn to bring with me to Georgia for another National Park hat from “Knitting the National Parks.” I was looking for cream and gray worsted weight yarn. When I found the right colors, it took me a while to find the right weight of yarn. Fingering weight yarn was mixed in with chunky, worsted, and dk. I found some that is supposed to be the correct weight. But, because it is a small-batch yarn manufacturer the cream is a bit heavier than the gray.
There were several people knitting and talking at a table in the middle of the room. I love to see that in a yarn shop. It was a little distracting, however, in my search for yarn, when they kept talking to me. They told me all about their knit nights and their spinning Sundays. Both of those would be of interest if the shop wasn’t an hour from my home.
The owner of Yesterdays Ewes also owns sheep and processes and dyes their fleece. She has a room in the shop that sells roving. She didn’t have a big selection, but I found a nice braid of roving that is dyed with natural dyes.

I liked Yesterdays Ewes and found plenty of good yarn. I enjoyed talking to the people in the shop and to the owner. If only it wasn’t so far away.
Visiting Yesterdays Ewes makes me wonder why Westerville doesn’t have a good local yarn shop. I have wondered about it so much that I was even looking at properties that could house a yarn shop. Westerville seems like a great place for a local yarn shop with its size, Otterbein University, and the lack of Columbus area local yarn shops. Anyone interested in a being a partner in a local yarn store?