By Karen

Gallant Woods and Farm Preservation Parks

The next parks we hiked in our bid to “hike them all” were Gallant Woods and Gallant Farm Preservation Parks.  These are two separate parks next to each other north of the city of Delaware. Gallant Woods Preservation Park features old growth woods, meadows, restored prairies and wetlands, and wetland woods.  Several of the wetlands …

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Blues Creek Preservation Park

Continuing our quest to hike all the trails in the Delaware County Preservation Parks system, Tom and I headed to Blues Creek Preservation Park.  Well, first we returned to Hogback Ridge, but I’ve already written a post on that.  We hiked the trails in Hogback Ridge during our Delaware County Scavenger Hunt.  Here is the …

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Deer Haven Preservation Park

When last we left our heroes, they were trying to find a place to hike.  When they were thwarted by Hogback Ridge being closed, they headed for Deer Haven Preservation Park in Delaware.  Would it be open?  When we first pulled into the parking lot we weren’t sure.  It looked like a bunch of soccer …

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Step Into Fall: Hike Them All

Step into fall, hike them all!  Tom recently had to take a short break from riding his trike, so we started looking for an alternative exercise.  I like walking and do a three mile loop in Char-Mar Ridge Park across the street every morning.  I was willing to do more walking but needed to mix …

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Cookie Decorating with Cass

For Christmas last year, Jackie gave me a coupon for a cookie decorating class with Cass.  Cass is her friend that bakes all our birthday cakes.  She never takes any payment for them, so I usually give her a towel or two.  When we were sharing Jackie’s birthday cake last year, I mentioned that it …

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Wilson Weight Challenge for PIN

Tom and I recently helped out with the Wilson Weight Challenge at church.  We have been getting more involved at church and trying to plug in where we can.  The Wilson Weight Challenge is a local mission project that only took a couple of hours one Sunday.  Perfect for our schedule. The Lewis Center United …

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