From Places to Eat

17 Arrows Craft Kitchen and Bar

Recently, John suggested meeting for supper at 17 Arrows Craft Kitchen and Bar.  We all love to try new restaurants, so Tom and I agreed to meet John and Jackie there.  John made reservations, as suggested on the webpage.  Tom and I looked at the menu online and there seemed to be some interesting and …

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Cookie Baking During December

My cookie baking during December has been a solitary activity.  I like to bake cookies with other people, but my sister doesn’t eat sugar anymore and my mom doesn’t have the energy.  But, on cold days in December, my happy place is my warm kitchen that smells like cookies.  So I have been cookie baking …

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Son of Thurman in Delaware, Ohio

Tom and I recently ate at Son of Thurman, a restaurant in Delaware, Ohio for the first time.  Our friends, Paul and Sherry Downing, contacted us and let us know they would be in Delaware for the day.  Paul was training his replacement as he is now semi-retired.  Would we be available for dinner together?  …

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