After two weeks on board the Nieuw Statendam, Tom and I have settled into a routine, at least on our “at sea” days. When my left leg wasn’t working, we got in the habit of going to breakfast together. This requires me to wait a little while for breakfast and for Tom to get up earlier than he would usually prefer. Fortunately my leg is much better and I am able to walk again. But we have continued the habit of breakfasting together.

We also eat breakfast with Ed and Terri Mead most mornings. Ed and Terri are a couple from Wisconsin that we met our very first day. We like to go to the programs together and enjoy talking to them. Unfortunately they are getting off the ship after two weeks, but that will give us a chance to make some new friends.
A knitters’ group meets at 11:30 and I usually go to that. It is fun to see what others are working on and have a chance to talk. But I stop and talk to any knitters I see on the ship, whether they are in the group or not.
After a light lunch, Tom and I usually go up to the Fitness Center to work out. For some reason, when I couldn’t walk on my leg, I could still ride the exercise bike. So I did that instead of walking around the Promenade Deck. Now that my leg is better I am doing more of a mix of activities, but I haven’t been brave enough to try Tai Chi or Line Dancing classes. After we work out, we go down the Grand Dutch Cafe to get a couple of cookies. The lady who works there in the afternoon knows our order when she sees us coming.
Part of our routine is staying out of the room from 11 until 1:30. That is when our steward likes to straighten up the room. It is helpful to him if we stay out of his way.
In the evening we enjoy dinner, and then go to the evening program. The World Stage only has seats for 700 people, and there is always a line to get in. Even though the program starts at 7:30, if you don’t get in around 7, you might not get a seat. There is another show at 9, but it isn’t as popular. Too late at night for us old folks.

Every other day we have been setting the clocks ahead one hour. By the time we get to Europe, we will be six hours ahead and on the correct time for our European ports. This is a clever way to get us adjusted to the time change, but changing times every other day means we always feel a little off. The staff change the mats in the elevators every day so that they tell us what day of the week it is. Otherwise I would lose track some days.

When we go to the evening program, our steward turns down the beds. Some nights he makes a towel animal and some nights he leaves us a chocolate. It is always fun to see what he has done when we get back to the room.
Being on a regular routine is important, even when we are on a cruise. It helps us organize our day and enjoy what is coming next.