In 2015 I wrote a post about signs along the way: some of the signs we had seen in various places in our travels. Since then we have seen a lot more signs. In fact, we see signs everywhere we go. Big signs, little signs, signs of hope, signs of despair, signs of warning and signs of celebration. I thought you might enjoy seeing some of the signs we have seen.
Stick figure warning man made plenty of appearances. We also saw humorous signs and some where we wondered if the intention was humorous. Some signs are temporary and others permanent. Some of the signs are ironic and some are just strange.
Enjoy these signs. We see signs everywhere we go. Do you?
I will now be singing “Signs signs, everywhere a sign” for the rest of the day.
Good job catching that! I wanted to make the reference more explicit but WordPress didn’t like repeating the word in the title!
5 hours later and I’m still singing it!
Loved the Y’Allstate, ha! But very disturbed with stick man in a bun! Please tell where the food may contain human flesh so I can stay far away!
The stick man in a bun is from the cartoon “Bob’s Burgers.” Bob was accused of using human flesh in his burgers and the Department of Health put that sign on his window. Bob wasn’t, of course.
Ha! Whew, glad it is not a real restaurant. Too funny!