We have now been living with Covid-19 in the US for five months. I know there is some debate about when it got here but shutdowns and warning started appearing at the beginning of March. We probably would be further along in our battle against the virus if wearing masks had not become politicized. But, …
From July 2020
Crowded Cross Creek Campground
When Tom and I are in Ohio we usually stay at Cross Creek Campground. It is located just west of Alum Creek in Delaware, so it is close to John and Jackie and to my parents. Cross Creek is also close to Columbus, with all its shopping and restaurants. But we don’t usually stay at …
Socially Distanced Family Fun on July 3rd
On July 3rd, the extended family got together for a socially distanced picnic. Even this small gathering required all kinds of rethinking our usual family gatherings. First of all, where would we have it? We wanted to be outside but also protected from the weather. So, my parents reserved a pavilion at the Lexington Community …
Outdoor Worship at Lewis Center UMC
This last week we went to our first in-person outdoor worship service at Lewis Center United Methodist Church. We hadn’t worshiped with a congregation since the beginning of March. This was the second outdoor worship service for Lewis Center. They have two huge, wonderful shade trees on a large lawn. The lawn gently slopes down …
Nature Trail Brochure and Numbers
One of my projects at Fort Frederica National Monument this year was to develop a nature trail brochure. Last year the nature trail got all cleaned up and people started using it – a lot. This year people continued to use it and I thought it would be nice to identify some of the plants …
Archaeology Dig at Fort Frederica
During June and July, Fort Frederica National Monument usually hosts an archaeology dig. Archaeology students from universities come and dig. We also host three weeks of archaeology camp for middle school students. This year the pandemic has thrown a wrench into the works. We did not get approval to host the archaeology education camps. Most …
Phase Two Reopening at Fort Frederica
We are now in Phase Two reopening at Fort Frederica National Monument. This means we have our buildings open, but we are supposed to be enforcing social distancing guidelines. Tom and I were pretty happy with Phase One because visitors could walk around the grounds and we could do some programming outside. In Phase Two …
Low Battery or Not Plugged In
Today when I tried to use the mouse on my computer, it wouldn’t work. I decided it had a low battery and replaced the battery. But it still didn’t work. Then I noticed that the wireless receiver for the mouse wasn’t plugged in. If it isn’t plugged in, the mouse can’t communicate with the computer. …
East Beach St. Simon’s Island, My Happy Place
During the last six months, East Beach on St. Simon’s Island has been my happy place. Tom and I go there at least once a week. We try to hit the beach during low tide for two reasons. First, there is more beach so it is easier to social distance. Second, the beach is more …
Private Screenings at Georgia Theater Company
In an effort to reopen safely, the Georgia Theater Company started offering private screenings of movies around the middle of May. The Georgia Theater Company owns a lot of movie theaters in Georgia. I’ve written about them before, because they have the delightful Flashback Cinema. The movie theater on the island is part of the …