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Thanksgiving with Family

Last year, when Tom and I were at Chickamauga, we had to work on Thanksgiving.  It was an interesting day, but I really missed being with family.  This year we are in Ohio and have been able to spend plenty of days with family.  We are with my parents a couple of days a week …

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Gorman Nature Center

When we ran back to Ohio in June to celebrate my mom’s birthday, we took at walk at the nearby Gorman Nature Center.  Even though it is only a few miles from their home, my parents had never been there before.  We enjoyed the walk and the visit so much, however, that my dad decided …

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That One Sports Show

When Tom and I are traveling, as we did this week coming back to Ohio, we like to listen to our favorite podcast:  “That One Sports Show.”  It keeps us up to date on the latest in sports, especially sports in Ohio.  And it is hosted by one of our favorite people – John Hartley! …

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Working with Children

One of my favorite parts about any job I’ve had is working with children.  I generally prefer children to adults because they are eager to learn and explore new ideas.  They don’t hang on so hard to preconceived notions.  They are open to people and experiences.  Even two year olds can be reasonable compared to …

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