Every year on Goodreads, we vote for the best books of the previous year. I always vote, although the books I vote for seldom win. Like the politicians I vote for. This year I only voted for books that I had read, so I skipped a lot of categories. When the winners were announced, I …
Cookie Baking During December
My cookie baking during December has been a solitary activity. I like to bake cookies with other people, but my sister doesn’t eat sugar anymore and my mom doesn’t have the energy. But, on cold days in December, my happy place is my warm kitchen that smells like cookies. So I have been cookie baking …
Cookie Walk, Cantata, and Tree Lighting
December 5 – 8 was a very busy four days filled with Lewis Center church activities. We had a cookie walk, cantata, and tree lighting. As a pastor, I am used to December being a crazy month with all kinds of things crammed in. But things have generally been quieter for me since I retired. …
Coatland at People in Need
Tom and I spent a morning volunteering at Coatland at People in Need of Delaware County in December. The Lewis Center United Methodist Church is an active supporter of People in Need. We collected 5,800 pounds of food in August. In December, the Lewis Center Church is in charge of Coatland. People in Need started …
Donnas Delicious Dozen in Gahanna, Ohio
Donnas Delicious Dozen was our third stop on the Buckeye Treat Trail. Despite being the third, it was first in the deliciousness of the treats we tried. Donnas Delicious Dozen is located right on the edge of Columbus, New Albany, and Gahanna. We stopped there on a cold and rainy Saturday afternoon. We had already …
One Year Bible Study Invitation
2025 is my year to read through the entire Bible – again. And I thought it was a good time to invite you to read through it with me. I will be reading the One Year Bible and sending out a weekly e-mail to encourage you and give you some background information on what you …
Elegant Illusions Christmas Drive Through Park
Elegant Illusions Christmas Drive Through Park is a new Christmas lighting display at the Portage County Randolph Fairgrounds. Tom and I recently picked up Mom and Dad and headed out for the adventure of the lights. I am always looking for new drive-through displays because Dad isn’t able to walk around. By finding a drive-through …
Knit Every Day in November Challenge
During November I participated in the Knit Every Day in November Challenge for the American Cancer Society. Almost 12,000 people joined the challenge to knit every day to raise money for cancer. The fundraiser was through Facebook, and I was a little leery at first. But I did my research and decided it was a …
Hanging of the Greens
On November 24, Tom and I participated in the Hanging of the Greens at Lewis Center United Methodist Church. Lewis Center is an active, faithful community of folks and Tom and I try to participate as we can when we are in Ohio. Most Sundays we serve as a greeter (me) and an usher (Tom). …
Cowtherines Carousel at Young’s Jersey Dairy
We recently met the Winstead family at Cowtherines Carousel at Young’s Jersey Dairy. I have written about Young’s Jersey Dairy before – it is one of our favorite outings. We love the ice cream and they have a variety of family friendly activities. When the weather is nice, it is a super busy place. It …